I ran across a post on another blog that intrigued me. There is a cultural association in Messina, Sicily that is hosting a "Coctail Reception with Federico II". Federico was the King of Sicily in ancient times. It turns out that there will be costumes, music, food and entertainment all from this period. The cost of a ticket to the event is 7 Euros, and it is being held in Messina from 7:30 til 10:30 Saturday, February 13,2010. Here is a link to the english article and further information and links http://sicilyguide.com?/2010/02/02/cocktail-reception-by-intervolumina-in-messina-during-the-notte-bianca. I have booked our tickets already! It should be a very interesting evening. If any of you are in or around Messina that night, it might be something worth your while. I don't think events like this happen very often. Check out the poster for the event.. Food sounds interesting, especially the "Omelette d'arance per Rufianni e Prostitute". Hmmm? I wounder what that could be? Will have to let you all know after the event. Ciao for now!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I have been missing in action for over a week! The nasty Italian cold bug got ahold of me, and hit me with a vengeance! Or was it a "colpa d'aria"? I guess I will never know..but it had me sniveling, literally at its mercy. I have had colds in my life, but this one really knocked me for a loop! I spent 3 days in bed, hotwater bottle snuggled to me as I couldn't warm up without it! The hot water bottle has to be one of the best inventions all but forgotten by North Americans. Thank goodness we didn't forget to pack them for our "vacation" this year. They have been our salvation on many a cold damp evening in our apartment with no heat! I think I will show you how my week progressed with pictures taken in and around where we are staying... let me know if you follow the progression.....
Posted by jojofromvictoria at 10:49 PM 0 comments